The Waiting Room Family
Halina shared her story of their experience in the waiting room...
She and Terry were anxiously awaiting the news of Kathleen's surgery. Sitting across from them in the room sat another family sharing stories and laughing amongst themselves. It was clear to Halina they were such a loving and kind family. They shared glances and a smile with Halina and Terry. The waiting room united them all.
Kathleen's surgeon entered the room and delivered the news that the surgery was a success. That the preliminary tests showed no sign of cancer in the lymph nodes and that the overall procedure took less time than expected. Halina and Terry rejoiced and their relief and praise filled the room. They couldn't have been happier and others in the room were happy for them.
Not long after did the other family's surgeon enter the room. But this time the news was different. It wasn't good news at all. Halina and Terry witnessed their smiles and laughter turn to frowns and tears. Halina's happiness for Kathleen, turned to sadness for the other family. She wanted so desperately to hug them and comfort them in their moment of grief and despair. She could feel their pain.
In that moment, the atmosphere in the room permanently changed. The hopeful lightness and anticipation that was once present, was replaced by heaviness and sorrow. Ever since Halina told me that story, I have thought of the other family - the other woman- whose news wasn't so good.
Today, join me in sending a prayer to the family in the Moffit waiting room on 13th March. May they find healing and peace within and around them. That somehow, somewhere they can find an empowering meaning and a higher truth to this all.
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