Sunday, May 28, 2006


Why have a Barbeque when you can have a Boobeque?

Today marked the official 7 day countdown to day 100. It was a time to acknowledge and celebrate our successes so far.

The event turned out just as I imagined: a great mix of old friends, new friends & neighbours, kids bouncing on trampolines, lots of laughter, FUN food that begins with the letter B, Giant Jenga for those people who really love a good challenge, and not a raindrop in site.

A BIG UP to everyone who contributed to our FUNdraising drive during the Boobeque. We've now reached a total of $8196.

With the help of such quality people, I have certainty we'll reach $10,000 by Saturday 3rd June 2006.

(ps. we've started a new trend, shown in the photo - instead of saying cheese to the photographer, say...BOOB)