Our Mountain Awaits Us
Over the weekend, Christoph and I went cycling on a sunny and fresh morning before breakfast. Being a cycling enthusiast, he reminded me of his goal of riding up Mount Lofty before we leave Adelaide in October.
Now, I'm all up for challenges - however, when I first heard his idea a month or so ago, an image came to mind. It is after all MOUNT Lofty, as in ...nice steady incline over 20 miles to a hilly mountain range that culminates to a summit. Visions of me red faced, huffing and puffing, like scenes from The Little Engine That Could, playing over and over in my head. "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!”.
Admittedly, over the past few weeks, I've been psyching myself up for it. Then, on Saturday morning, as we rode up a [gentle] incline in central Adelaide, I began doubting my abilities to take on Mount Lofty. In fact, instead of facing this graciously, I started hurling criticism at Christoph. I accused him of being irresponsible to cycle up a mountain without 'proper training' (whatever that means????). To his defense, he responded "but I've been cycling all my life". "Yeah, right", I snorted, "If that's the case why don't you just sign up for the Tour de France tomorrow?"
Now, it doesn't take brain surgery to figure out that my behavior was not only totally over-the-top, but what a bitch I was! It's no excuse to say that I hadn't had any breakfast - normally resulting in me being un peu fragile until I get something in my tummy. So, I had to pull up my big girl's pants and do the right thing... apologize.
What was about to transpire, was a profound breakthrough...
When we sat down for breakfast, I looked at Christoph sincerely and apologized for my rude behavior. It was so unfair of me to impose my insecurities onto him. If he was ready and felt certain of his abilities to conquer Mount Lofty, more power to him. Who was I to ridicule his aspirations? Frankly, just then did I recognize the 'smallishness' behavior I displayed moments earlier.
I told him, "Of course, we can cycle up Mount Lofty. After all, it's not about reaching the top, it's about...."
Christoph interrupted. He said, "It's about reaching the bottom. You can't reach the top of the mountain, without first reaching its bottom."
How true this is…
He turned to me and said in his wise and gentle way... "Priscilla, you can stand at the bottom of Mount Disappointment looking up - or you can start climbing Mount Remarkable."
All too often, we create targets that seem out of reach or might require lots of huffing and puffing to get there. We mustn't forget, that if we first see the mountain range in the distance and challenge ourselves to climb it - that's an achievement in itself.
If we go the distance to reach its bottom, then that too is a great achievement.
And if we start the ascent to the summit, at any point along the way - that too is an even greater achievement.
Our journey is the preparation for the mountain that awaits us.
Will it be Mount Disappointment or Mount Remarkable?
Monday, September 25, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006

Congratulations to Martha Miller and her team at Meredith for launching their Premier Issue of BEYOND. Martha used to be the Health Editor at Better Homes & Gardens and has a real 'get-up-and-go' mindset & passion about her current venture. She's a mom and seems to take life and her successes in stride, effortlessly. This lady is a natural talent and role model for many professional moms and women out there (including me).
I received a call from her within 2 hours of returning from my visit with Kathleen in June. She heard about our story and wanted to include it in this first issue. We are so grateful to sit within pages of such a special magazine, alongside other great stories and articles of incredible individuals. I believe in the value of this magazine and how it's purpose is to help those affected by breast cancer to LIVE and THRIVE afterwards with confidence and hope for the future. I urge all of you in the USA to go to your nearest newstand and pick up a copy. In the meantime...read all about it:
Meredith Special Interest Media Debuts the First-of-its-Kind Magazine for
Breast Cancer Survivors
DES MOINES (September 19, 2006) — Meredith Special Interest Media, part of the Meredith Corporation (NYSE:MDP) announced today that it is introducing Beyond: Live & Thrive After Breast Cancer, a semi-annual publication that provides women who have or had breast cancer, the support and latest information on treatment and recovery.
The Fall/Winter 2006 premiere issue hits newsstands September 19th 2006, with a $5.99 cover price.
“Since more than two million American women live with breast cancer, we wanted to provide this community a resource of support, inspiration and hope,” says Martha Miller, editor of Beyond.
An advisory board of leading experts in the breast cancer field contributed to the premiere issue of Beyond. They include: Susan Brown, the health manager at Susan G. Komen Foundation; Carolyn M. Kaelin, director of Comprehensive Breast Health Center and breast cancer survivor; and Lillie Shockney, Administrative Director at Johns Hopkins Breast Cancer.
The premiere issue provides honest, heartwarming profiles, inspiring stories and practical advice. In the cover story, Dallas Mayor Laura Miller recounts her journey with breast cancer and why she looks forward to a much simpler life.
Also included are the “Pink Pages,” a resource guide and calendar of upcoming races and products that support breast cancer, fashion tips on how to look and feel your best and nutritional information on foods that may help patients in their fight against cancer. Beyond also offers the most up-to-date medical information and, real-life stories on how to battle stress, fatigue and other side-effects of the disease.
“Beyond is packed with tips on how to feel sexy again, how to get your body back after treatment and how to find a sense of normalcy,” says Miller.
Among the articles in the premiere issue include:
- To Do or Not To Do: Reconstruction is a big decision. Provided are real options and risks associated with surgery. Also featured are real-life accounts of two women who opted for and against surgery, and answers to common questions about reconstruction.
- Chemo Brain - It’s Not In Your Head: Studies show links between chemo and thinking impairment. While doctors still search for answers, featured are coping mechanisms for survivors struggling through the mental fog.
- 10 Super Foods That Fight Back: The best foods to fight off breast cancer and tips on how to prepare them.
- Can We Talk? Sex and Intimacy After Breast Cancer: Practical solutions to feeling confident and sexy in the bedroom.
- A Definite Maybe: Your mother had breast cancer, but will you? Examine your family tree to find out if breast cancer is a threat to you.
- Feel Your Best: Breast cancer survivors who exercise in moderation are 50 percent less likely to die from the disease than inactive women. Provided are solutions to battling the breast cancer bulge.
- Ways to Glow: When treatment wages a war on your skin, fight back with these simple steps to reduce signs of aging and boost your skin’s natural radiance.
Beyond is part of Meredith Special Interest Media’s health group which also includes Diabetic Living and Heart Healthy Living. The health group is committed to providing its readers with the most up-to-date medical and nutritional information.
Meredith Special Interest Media is the largest collection of newsstand publications in the world, with approximately 200 issues a year in the areas of building and remodeling; decorating and design; cooking and entertaining; gardening and outdoor living; health and nutrition; and crafting.
Meredith (www.meredith.com) is one of the nation's leading media and marketing companies with businesses centering on magazine and book publishing, television broadcasting, integrated marketing and interactive media. The Meredith Publishing Group features 25 subscription magazines - including Better Homes and Gardens, Family Circle, Ladies' Home Journal, Parents, Child, Fitness, and American Baby - and approximately 200 special interest publications. Meredith owns 14 television stations, including properties in top-25 markets such as Atlanta, Phoenix and Portland.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
We'd like to welcome Evelyn Mackintosh to our B4B family. She has just arrived in Australia from the UK, heard about our cause, and wanted to get involved. She is instrumental in helping me get the database set up, doing research, injecting fresh ideas and handling alot of the day-to-day stuff that needs to be done. What a blessing AND perfect timing!
Thanks a million, Evie!!!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Health is a cause and effect relationship. What one focuses on, where one lives emotionally, the quality of what one eats & drinks, and the frequency one moves their body ALL FACTORS into this. As the old cliche goes, the whole is greater than the sum of all parts. For individuals wanting to be at cause for creating healthy effects, rebounding is one way to acheive this. In doing research into the benefits of rebounding, I have found reports that suggest it can even prevent cancer. The following shows benefits that ultimately improve health at a cellular level.
By Dr. Morton Walker and Albert E. Carter
The study of the human body is fairly interesting. The moment it becomes no less than amazing is when we understand what happens as the body is placed under the demands of movement and resistance we call exercise. Rebounding is an effective exercise that reduces your body fat; firms your arms, legs, thighs, abdomen, and hips; increases your agility; strengthens your muscles overall; provides an aerobic effect for your cardiopulmonary systems; rejuvenates your body when it's tired, and generally puts you in a state of mental and physical wellness. In fact, there are at least 33 fascinating ways the body responds to regular rebounding, detailed below:
- Rebounding provides an increased G-force (gravitational load), which strengthens the musculoskeletal systems.
- Rebounding protects the joints from the chronic fatigue and impact delivered by exercising on hard surfaces.
- Rebounding helps manage body composition and improves muscle-to-fat ratio.
- Rebounding aids lymphatic circulation by stimulating the millions of one-way valves in the lymphatic system.
- Rebounding circulates more oxygen to the tissues.
- Rebounding establishes a better equilibrium between the oxygen required by the tissues and the oxygen made available.
- Rebounding increases capacity for respiration.
- Rebounding tends to reduce the height to which the arterial pressures rise during exertion.
- Rebounding lessens the time during which blood pressure remains abnormal after severe activity.
- Rebounding assists in the rehabilitation of a heart problem.
- Rebounding increases the functional activity of the red bone marrow in the production of red blood cells.
- Rebounding improves resting metabolic rate so that more calories are burned for hours after exercise.
- Rebounding causes muscles to perform work in moving fluids through the body to lighten the heart's load.
- Rebounding decreases the volume of blood pooling in the veins of the cardiovascular system preventing chronic edema.
- Rebounding encourages collateral circulation by increasing the capillary count in the muscles and decreasing the distance between the capillaries and the target cells.
- Rebounding strengthens the heart and other muscles in the body so that they work more efficiently.
- Rebounding allows the resting heart to beat less often.
- Rebounding lowers circulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
- Rebounding lowers low-density lipoprotein (bad) in the blood and increases high-density lipoprotein (good) holding off the incidence of coronary artery disease.
- Rebounding promotes tissue repair.
- Rebounding for longer than 20 minutes at a moderate intensity increases the mitochondria count within the muscle cells, essential for endurance.
- Rebounding adds to the alkaline reserve of the body, which may be of significance in an emergency requiring prolonged effort.
- Rebounding improves coordination between the propreoceptors in the joints, the transmission of nerve impulses to and from the brain, transmission of nerve impulses and responsiveness of the muscle fibers.
- Rebounding improves the brain’s responsiveness to the vestibular apparatus within the inner ear, thus improving balance.
- Rebounding offers relief from neck and back pains, headaches, and other pain caused by lack of exercise.
- Rebounding enhances digestion and elimination processes.
- Rebounding allows for deeper and easier relaxation and sleep.
- Rebounding results in better mental performance, with keener learning processes.
- Rebounding curtails fatigue and menstrual discomfort for women.
- Rebounding minimizes the number of colds, allergies, digestive disturbances, and abdominal problems.
- Rebounding tends to slow down atrophy in the aging process.
- Rebounding is an effective modality by which the user gains a sense of control and an improved self image.
- Rebounding is enjoyable!
People who rebound find they are able to work longer, sleep better, and feel less tense and nervous. The effect is not just psychological, because the action of bouncing up and down against gravity effectively stimulates the lymphatic system without trauma to the musculoskeletal system. This unique discovery is central to the reasons Rebounding has become one of the most beneficial forms of exercise ever developed.
Happy Bouncing and Healthy Living.
Monday, September 18, 2006
There are times to give it all you got. And there are times to hold back a bit. And then there are times to remain idle. I'll be the first to admit that getting the right measure takes a bit of practice. I'm the visionaire, the big thinker...the dreamer. This is all so great for the charity. However, it is also important for me to FOCUS on building a solid foundation. (Yes, Jonathan your words are still with me...)
I had to put this into practice recently. I approached my new Adelaide friend, Cole Thomas, about a B4B FUNdraising event for families and the community to take place in October. I knew he would be the best person to talk to as he has an absolute zest for life, owns fab catering company called What a Dish! http://www.whatadish.com.au - PLUS he is the singer of a groov'n band called August Falls. I knew that between us, we could cook up something special that would rock this town.
However, I soon realised that there are still some essential things I need to solidify in the infrastructure to support all future activities, demands and high standard service levels
for our recipients. As much as these were great ideas and I knew I could pull this off - it would be rushed and somethings could easily be missed. Making the decision not to do it at this time was tough, but it was a responsible decision. That felt good.
The great news is, since we have roughly planned it out and we KNOW everyone is going to want to get on board, we can do this at a later date. We have more time to plan and our launch over the coming months will give us even more experience and exposure to improve everything even more.
I also learned something really cool from Cole. He has a great management style that is honorable. He holds his staff accountable for high standards in as much as they hold him accountable for the very same. In his words, "Why ask things of them that I am not able to deliver myself?" He rewards them with incentives for good behavior.
This inspired me. Reward for good behavior and you'll get more good behavior. Inversely, if one punishes for bad behavior - one is likely to get more bad behavior. It's whatever the focus is.
With this in mind and as I am growing a team, I have implemented the RISE Scheme (Reward Incentive & Supplemental Encouragement) Those individuals who meet the outlined objectives on time will receive a 10% bonus (or gift equivalent). If you look at it, one can get a 110% return on investment by doing what they were hired to do. Not bad - better than the banks and it's totally influenced by the individual.
Thanks Cole for your energy and inspiration. I look forward to the future fabulousness we can create together.
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Lord of the Bounce
We have travelled the world on behalf of B4B...even Middle Earth.
Edoras, a town in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, was constructed on this very remote location in Rangitata Gorge, New Zealand for the recent motion picture trilogy, directed by Peter Jackson. (It's on the hill down in the valley behind Christoph.)
This is God's country. We were blessed to be here today to bounce for all the single mums with breast cancer.
Love and Light x
Priscilla & Christoph
Thursday, September 14, 2006
I could not let this day go by without thanking Dalene Entenmenn of the Cancer Blog http://www.thecancerblog.com for all her support. She found our blog and has been updating their readers on our progress. Though we've not met, it has been her words that have encouraged me - especially the moments I was in doubt of continuing. Heartfelt appreciation for your belief, sharing Kathleen's story and spreading the word.
I encourage everyone to check this blog out. This is an extraordinary resource for anyone affected by cancer of all types. Information on treatment, fundraising, celebrities, consumer, techonology, news, prevention, media, business, events, amongst a host of other valuable resources.
Dalene, Christoph and I think you're an amazing person. The world is a better place because of your contribution.
x p
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Anyone who has started a new venture of any sorts will understand what a learning curve there is. Laying a solid foundation for the B4B charity is no exception. As much fantastic experience and heartfelt enthusiasm I bring to the table, along with Christoph and our great team, things can take a bit longer than expected. There are days when I get a bit concerned that things are running behind - especially in touching base with all of you, our wonderful family of readers and supporters. Then I ask myself "Behind in what, exactly?" Are we progressing each day? YES. Are were further than we were a month ago or even yesterday? YES. Is our outcome still visible and on target? YES. Are will all learning and growing? YES. Is there a natural season to things? Yes. Then I realise where we are is not just a good thing - but a great thing. A blessing, really, thanks to all the people who support us and believe in our cause. We are profoudly grateful.
We are also profoundly grateful for your patience as we catch up on our blog entries. Once upon a time ago, I could write daily and at present it's not always possible either due to internet access when on the road or other pressing commitments. I do keep a journal so that you are kept up to date on things. There are many exciting things we're working on from press release to progress FUNdraising intitiatives. All will be revealed in time.
I look back to when B4B began just over 6 months ago for my sister Kathleen. Today, we celebrate so much that has been acheived during this time.
- Kathleen finished her chemotherapy and will be heading back to work in a few weeks.
- We reached our 100 day goal of $10,000 for Kathleen and her kids
- We have become a non-for-profit organisation and are in the process to become a charity
- We are taking the requisite time to build a solid foundation of our charity that's going to be around for a very long time, helping countless single mums affected by breast cancer and their kids.
- This story has been covered by media & press all over the world - in USA, Germany, and the UK even BEFORE launching as an official campaign later this month.
- We have a growing team of FUNdraisers in 3 countries
- We have bounced 8 countries and 4 continents to raise awareness.
- Have managed to get corporate sponsorship even before becoming a charity status.
- Have a fantastic company called Public Zone (www.publiczone.co.uk) who are helping us build a powerful fundraising and communication strategy
Keep checking back with us.
Blessings to you xp
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Another 100 day challenge begins…
We’ve met our first 100 day goal on June 3rd of $10,000 and now it’s time to set another. However, the bar is raised. I pledged to bounce 10,000 times daily for 100 days to raise £100,000 together with a team of B4B AllStars.
That’s right folks. I welcome 9 people to join me to commit to raising £10,000 each. Together, we can reach the £100,000 by the end of the year. And by reaching that goal, I will host a dinner to celebrate on New Years in London. What a way to celebrate the holidays knowing we’ve helped a mom and her kids during their time of need. There is NOTHING BETTER than to receive the gift of giving and the ULTIMATE fulfilment in your heart that it brings.
Is this outrageous? Absolutely!!!!! Is it impossible? No, only if we choose to believe it is.
I plan my life in 3 month chunks (or thereabouts). Here’s the B4B Recipe for Success of my mindset the first time we reached our 100 day goal. And I'm using it this time too!!!!
- Believed this campaign adds tremendous value to the quality of life to a mum and her kids whilst she’s undergoing breast cancer treatment.
- Employed by a purpose
- Huge FUN factor
- Outrageous goals– let’s be on Oprah
- Clear & simple message
- Benefits are clear
- Bouncing promotes good physical and emotional health
- Easy to promote - using any and all contacts for fundraising/sponsorship/press/marketing
- Clear goal of $10K and built as many income streams to achieve to get to the target in a FUN AND EASY way
- Took a chance – no fear in failing at all. It’s about LEARNING AND GROWING
- Didn’t take myself too seriously
- Team mentality – what do others need?
- Let others help and asked for help
- Sustainable & can be done without one person
- Can be done part time
- Mega Resourcefullness - think outside the box
- Be spontaneous – rock up at a national landmark and have fun
- Flexibililty - know your outcome and be elastogirl reaching it
- Take a leap of faith – never did this before, just let my heart and intuitions guide me
- Stickiness factor – people love the names boobs and the idea - we were the first to do this kind of FUNdraising. In fact, other larger charities modelled our idea
- Gorilla marketing – simple ways to market through blog, pinging other blogs and building allies
- Everything aligned with my core values
- Add value first, people value what you add
- Share story – talk to everyone
- Brought attention to intention with awakening moments
- Niche Market – from our research there are no other breast cancer campaigns focus on single mums and their kids for financial, emotional and wellbeing support.
- It brought people together
- Feel good factor through contribution
- Being silly and creative in coming up with names. IE. Barbeque became Boobeque
- Be yourself!!!!!
For those of you who are ready to experience the best time of your life, living outside the box, stretching yourself beyond what you thought you could do and feeling the feeling of being TOTALLY FULLFILLED, then contact us at:
allstars@bouncingforbreastcancer.org or call us on +44 (0)845 899 1276.
You will receive a B4B AllStars FUNdraising Pack including a tshirt, pedometer, collection box. You will also be mentored by myself to experience the most successful, fun and moving experience of your life!!!! If you need a trampoline, we'll get one sorted for you too!
The greatest benefit is knowing that you can get fit, help others and have a FUN time all at once. What could be better than this????
See all of your full hearts, fit bodies and smiling faces on the 31st December in London!!!
Live beyond the limits of your mind and experience how great it is to allow yourself the FREEDOM TO BE YOUR AMAZING SELF.
love and light xp
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Christoph and I hosted a dinner to mark the moment. September is the month that we begin our soft press launch.
In true B4B style, we put our creative hats on and came up with a menu inspired by the letter "B". This was the moment that Bodacious Burgers were born. Christoph has copyright on the name - I came up with the recipe inspired by FOOW's Vicious Burger.
Bodacious Burgers
Magical Ingredients
- Fresh Boneless Fish of your choice (or chicken, hamburger meat, falafels, etc)
- Ciabatta bread, Turkish Pede bread, or Buns
- fresh basil pesto
- marinated red peppers
- olive pate or sliced black olives
- boccincini cheese or mozarella cheese
- fresh rocket or lettuce of choice
- sea salt
- lemon pepper
- olive oil
- LOVE -the most important ingredient
How to Abracadabra
Season an oven proof baking dish with olive oil, lemon juice, sea salt. Bake the fish on high for 20 minutes in the oven or until cooked.
Prepare the bread by slicing them open (toasting it slightly is great). Spread the basil pesto on one side and the olive pate on the other side. Slice the cheese and put on the bottom bun/slice. When the fish is ready, put it on the cheese. Layer with marinated red peppers, rocket and anything else you fancy. Place the top bun and serve.
Simple and Scrumptous!
Bon Appetit!!!