Another 100 day challenge begins…
We’ve met our first 100 day goal on June 3rd of $10,000 and now it’s time to set another. However, the bar is raised. I pledged to bounce 10,000 times daily for 100 days to raise £100,000 together with a team of B4B AllStars.
That’s right folks. I welcome 9 people to join me to commit to raising £10,000 each. Together, we can reach the £100,000 by the end of the year. And by reaching that goal, I will host a dinner to celebrate on New Years in London. What a way to celebrate the holidays knowing we’ve helped a mom and her kids during their time of need. There is NOTHING BETTER than to receive the gift of giving and the ULTIMATE fulfilment in your heart that it brings.
Is this outrageous? Absolutely!!!!! Is it impossible? No, only if we choose to believe it is.
I plan my life in 3 month chunks (or thereabouts). Here’s the B4B Recipe for Success of my mindset the first time we reached our 100 day goal. And I'm using it this time too!!!!
- Believed this campaign adds tremendous value to the quality of life to a mum and her kids whilst she’s undergoing breast cancer treatment.
- Employed by a purpose
- Huge FUN factor
- Outrageous goals– let’s be on Oprah
- Clear & simple message
- Benefits are clear
- Bouncing promotes good physical and emotional health
- Easy to promote - using any and all contacts for fundraising/sponsorship/press/marketing
- Clear goal of $10K and built as many income streams to achieve to get to the target in a FUN AND EASY way
- Took a chance – no fear in failing at all. It’s about LEARNING AND GROWING
- Didn’t take myself too seriously
- Team mentality – what do others need?
- Let others help and asked for help
- Sustainable & can be done without one person
- Can be done part time
- Mega Resourcefullness - think outside the box
- Be spontaneous – rock up at a national landmark and have fun
- Flexibililty - know your outcome and be elastogirl reaching it
- Take a leap of faith – never did this before, just let my heart and intuitions guide me
- Stickiness factor – people love the names boobs and the idea - we were the first to do this kind of FUNdraising. In fact, other larger charities modelled our idea
- Gorilla marketing – simple ways to market through blog, pinging other blogs and building allies
- Everything aligned with my core values
- Add value first, people value what you add
- Share story – talk to everyone
- Brought attention to intention with awakening moments
- Niche Market – from our research there are no other breast cancer campaigns focus on single mums and their kids for financial, emotional and wellbeing support.
- It brought people together
- Feel good factor through contribution
- Being silly and creative in coming up with names. IE. Barbeque became Boobeque
- Be yourself!!!!!
For those of you who are ready to experience the best time of your life, living outside the box, stretching yourself beyond what you thought you could do and feeling the feeling of being TOTALLY FULLFILLED, then contact us at:
allstars@bouncingforbreastcancer.org or call us on +44 (0)845 899 1276.
You will receive a B4B AllStars FUNdraising Pack including a tshirt, pedometer, collection box. You will also be mentored by myself to experience the most successful, fun and moving experience of your life!!!! If you need a trampoline, we'll get one sorted for you too!
The greatest benefit is knowing that you can get fit, help others and have a FUN time all at once. What could be better than this????
See all of your full hearts, fit bodies and smiling faces on the 31st December in London!!!
Live beyond the limits of your mind and experience how great it is to allow yourself the FREEDOM TO BE YOUR AMAZING SELF.
love and light xp
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