Joe's Bounce-athon
We bounced over 4.5 marathons in 21 hours…
Family, friends, passers-by, the Red Bull gals and the community joined in on the Bouncing FUN! Better than expected turnout and we beat our bounce goal by nearly 100,000 bounces. Goal was 250,000 in 22 hours and we did 341,486 in 21 hours!!!! That equates to over 218 kilometres. That’s right, we bounced to PORT PIRIE!!!!
Saturday- 1st December
The girls took the lead…
Girls: 93,863 bounces
Boys: 79,078 bounces
Total: 172,941 bounces in 11 hours = 108.63 kilometres
Sunday – 2nd December
The boys made a comeback…
Girls: 75,547 bounces
Boys: 92,998 bounces
Total: 168,545 bounces in 10 hours = 109.84 kilometres
Saturday- 1st December
The girls took the lead…
Girls: 93,863 bounces
Boys: 79,078 bounces
Total: 172,941 bounces in 11 hours = 108.63 kilometres
Sunday – 2nd December
The boys made a comeback…
Girls: 75,547 bounces
Boys: 92,998 bounces
Total: 168,545 bounces in 10 hours = 109.84 kilometres
341,486 BOUNCES
218.47 kilometres
341,486 BOUNCES
218.47 kilometres
A million thanks to all who showed up, despite the heat, holiday shopping, christmas parties and weekend commitments. We appreciate that people with full schedules chose to be there. We are moved by your generosity of spirit and interest in our cause.
Total money raised is still being calculated. We pledged to bounce 250,000 times for $25,000 and the community of bouncers surpassed their goal, despite the 39 degrees on Saturday and showers on Sunday night. Indications suggest the event raised $2,000 through fantastic personal donations and we’re so grateful. Now we need more sponsors to step up and help us meet the $25,000 goal.
Sponsorship forms have been created for individuals who want to bounce at home on their rebounders or in their back yards. Contact us for your own B4B Kit to help us raise the funds for single mums with breast cancer this holiday season. info@bouncingforbreastcancer.org
Above all, we thank the Velardos family at Joe's Pizza Bar for being such fantastic hosts of this event. The remarkable story here is about the outreach this family owned business showed B4B. They presented the idea of a fundraising event on the day I decided I would raise the funds to register the company and have extra money in the account to help the women and kids we're here for. All I did was drive up front of their shop one Thursday evening a few weeks ago and order a pizza. Whilst I was waiting, they asked me what was the logo on my car (which had only been done 2 days before, thanks to Andy at Studio Signs - see previous blog). In a rare moment when I was not talkative, I very briefly described B4B. Everyone in the family listened attentively behind the counter. Within a few minutes, they offered - or rather told me they would host a fundraising event for B4B. Angelo, the son got the calendar out and said, "Which would you prefer, the 1st or 2nd weekend of December?". And the rest unfolded as if it was already planned. The event was organised in only two weeks.
Little did they know I was in tears the night before after an email with my solicitor where I had more questions than answers. Setting up a company, learning about corporate structuring, the ins and outs of tax implications, is difficult even for me at times. Yet, I am committed to find the way, because I am driven with such purpose. I learned through my sister's experience with breast cancer, that single mums have a very unique and overwhelming sense of financial and emotional challenges they face when undergoing treatment and recovery of breast cancer.
When reviewing the videos of the event early yesterday morning, I noticed one small clip made of our living room on 4th November after a series of meetings we had over the weekend. The living room was dimly lit and Christoph was filming whilst I was on the phone. I tuned into the conversation I was having and the clip ended with me holding something in my hand...
...Then it came to me. It was 9:30pm and we were too tired to cook, so I dug out a new menu we found in our letter box. It was from Joe's Pizza Bar.
Sitting on the sofa in a post-bounce daze, I thought to myself how random it was that we had a recording of the first contact with this business. However, what was an interesting twist of fate was that the next clip that followed on our video camera is the Bounce-athon at Joe's Pizza Bar only 4 weeks later.
This is one of many examples in my life how life works in wonderful and magical ways, even though we don't see it. It's reassuring to say the least! Once a decision is made, events are put action and the doors of opportunity open up. The right people always show up at the right time. There are always answers to our prayers.
Our heartfelt gratitude to the Velardos family - Joe, Paula, Angelo, Anthony, Lucy, Holly, Josey, Isabelle, and little Joseph. You were the answer to our prayers.
Priscilla and Christoph
On behalf of B4B family and single mums with breast cancer
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