Monday, October 29, 2007


When Monday 22nd October rolled around, I awoke to the sound of raindrops gently humming to my soul. I peered out the window to see grey clouds, grey skies and greyness of a cacoon all around. So tempting was it to go back into the warmness of my duvet that touched the dreams from the night before. I awaken to this day in slow motion, acutely aware of my surroundings, my breath, the stillness within. I was recovering from a 36 hour marathon that included a 13,000 bounce at Western hospital, followed by a 10-hour round trip journey into the Outback (38 degrees and dust stroms), a 5 hour meeting to plan out a truly beautiful event B4B is hosting during October 2008. And if that wasn't exciting enough - a haunted hotel room in the Outback definately rounded out the adventure! Whilst I was tremendously relieved the learn that it wasn't actually our hotel room that was haunted, but the one across the courtyard, I still couldn't sleep. Probably had something to do with moths the size of bats that flew around our heads, and the sudden power loss that stopped the ceiling fan from circulating the desert heat.

In any case, this Monday morning moment was mine to bathe in.

Then it the reality of the day struck me like a sudden gust of wind. Today was National Breast Cancer Day, and I pledged to bounce 40,000 times to show support for ALL WOMEN and families who have been affected by breast cancer. For a second, I thought to myself , "How will I go from being in this closet-introverted space at this very moment, to a highly energised, bouncing women facing hundreds of passersby and media in the matter of a few hours?"

The answer - MY PURPOSE!

I realised recently that I haven't been spontaneous, thanks to Juanella, a 17 year old friend who pointed this out to me in the direct birthrighted way teenagers do. Over the past few months, whilst working behind the scenes of B4B, some of the magic and miracles of the intial B4B campaign (or rather me) were replaced with protocal, creating guidelines, and setting up the infrastructure. As vitally important as it is to build on a solid foundation that enables us to serve a wider group of single moms in need and be accountable as an organisation, I admit, that I began taking life (or myself) too seriously and worrying about how things weren't all in place. Then I realised, that LIVING is what happens when things are not in place. The only thing that needs to be in place is my heart.

There were months that passed in silence during our move to Australia because I became afraid of what to share about B4B as I hadn't yet figured out the the answers. But did I know the questions, either? Experts were advising me how difficult this would be and said I needed to be prepared for every 'what if' scenario. And to have every answer prepared for the media. Oh and to watch out for other national or bigger charities who might eat us up or steal our great ideas. It became overwhelming and frankly "going by the book" meant I momentarily lost touch with the heart of this campaign. More importantly, I learned that going by someone else's book, I lost connection with my heart's purpose: to improve the quality of life for others. From now on, the only book I go by is the one I write. My heart, energy and focus will be to continue to trust what we do know, the people who support what we're doing and build from there. We have allowed room for B4B to be spontaneous AND have a healthy, accountable infrastructure. We will work alongside national organisations, because I believe there is no competition when it comes to providing support and love to those affected by breast cancer AND there is power in unity. There is power in NOW!

So...I jumped out of bed and started thinking about Plan B. The original plan was to bounce at Victoria Square, one of Adelaide's famous landmarks. However, on this particular day, it would be a very soggy and rather uninspiring occasion if the rain persists (and it was forecasted to). In my life and especially during B4B, I have found plan B's are even better (of course they would because Bounce begins with the letter B - as well as Boobs and Babies). Plan B means we can be inventive, use our intuition and think on our feet. Plan B's contain the magic and in our case, are totally outside the comfort zone!!!!

Soon to arrive at my house was Helen Zander, a FUNtastic woman, my right hand and the B4B administrator. We packed the car with the mini-tramp and started brainstorming alternatives. I promised Helen, that even though I couldn't tell her in advance the how, the when and the where of Plan B - I could tell her with certainty, that it will be even better than we had planned, because I knew the WHY. I told her that we would meet the right person and the right moment and the right place. AND I WOULD KNOW. When our heart is open and connected to our purpose, we always know.

Helen came up with the idea of going to the Central Train Station. My nose twitched and I knew instinctively this was the direction to head towards. We arrived at 10am and quickly did a recky inside the station. Nope, this was not the place - however just outside the station, there was covered area onlooking North Terrace with a gazillion passersby.

Standing on the pavement, next to a large glass entrance door along North Terrace was a man with a smile. His name was Mark Weinert and we had something in common. He too was showing support for Breast Cancer Awareness, by wearing a pink ribbon. PLAN B was here!!! Turns out he works for security for SKY CITY Adelaide and once he heard about our bouncing idea in support for Breast Cancer Day, he sent me to speak to Mark, Head of Security and a fantastic lady, Kelly Noble -Communications Executive for Sky City (more on Kelly in the next blog). They too were wearing pink ribbons - in fact, all the staff in SKY CITY Adelaide did too. Mark and Kelly, enthusiastically supported our request to bounce in front of their building. Additionally, they also offered to provide us drinks and nibbles to keep our energy up. This was totally amazing. A million thanks goes to Mark, Kelly and SKYCITY ADELAIDE for being such generous and friendly hosts for the National Breast Cancer Pink Ribbon Day Bounce

I started bouncing at 10:50am, and in less than one hour National TV News Channel 7 and two Newspapers arrived. It was as if all fell into place like it was supposed to happen that way. But it was supposed to happen that way... it's how I planned it on Friday. I decided this is how it would be. And so it was, despite the rain and change of venue. I learned that if you decide on a clear outcome that's linked to a big enough purpose, that no matter what - you'll reach the outcome. The rain didn't stop us, rather it lead us to something that was even better. We met new friends, and bounced to show our national support for all women and families affected by breast cancer. It was also a proud day for B4B as we launched our presence in Australia to support single mums and their young kids who are suffering from this disease and don't know where to go or the answers to their challenges. Our aim is for them to know when they ask a friend, a nurse, a doctor, or support group "Who can help me support my kids when I'm going through surgery and recovery and cannot work?" The answer will be...Bouncing for Breast Cancer.

Single mums we bounced for...

Tamy is undergoing chemotherapy and suffering the nasty side effects, yet forces herself to go to work to support her kids. Know that support is here for you. Also we recently heard about a Danish mom, who has very young children, is self employed as a landscape gardener and lives in the rural areas of South Australia. She has no family here, no private medical and struggles to get to the hospital for treatment. Pray for them and donate - they need our help.

In closing, I share with you a poem that came into my life when I was looking for an answer. This poem has been an inspiration to me during a few occasions when I thought I was lost, confused or uncertain about my path. It taught me patience and to appreciate that where we are, is the right place at that moment. It taught me that not having it all figured out just means we're learning. Or it means we're open to new ideas and ready to try something new. Or it means to trust the answers will come. When Helen asked me about B4B, "How did you get this far?", I replied in a light-hearted and confident way, "I make it up as I go along". She thought I was joking, but I wasn't. Afterall, isn't this what we're all doing in this life?

I beg you…to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live you way in to the answer…

- By Rainer Maria Rilke

Here's to living our way into the answers.
love xp