Monday, May 08, 2006

Thank you, Patience

Back home in London after 10 days on the road, 100,000 bounces, in three countries, covering a couple thousand kilometers and staying at 5 different places. Phewee, it's been a whirlwind trip. For those of you who follow our blog regularly, a million thanks for your patience and staying committed to this cause. Today, has been the first day that I could upload the blog with last week's entries.

Unexpected during this trip, that there would be limited internet connection and sometimes none at all. I rocked up with my wireless laptop at one office supply/internet shop in a small town in Italy and not only did they not have wireless, but i could not upload any images for they only accept floppies. Bless. Love the rural parts of the world -the only hot spots they know of is where the sun shines.

To be honest, it was a nice challenge to have. I needed to be unreachable for a few days to recharge and gain momentum for the last quarter of this personal campaign.

love and blessings x