All dressed up and no place to bounce
The day started off full of excitement and ended even better, however, unlike how we thought it would be.
My FUNdraising team - Colleen, Christina, and their friend Becky - were all dressed up with trampoline in tow and we made our way to Walmart. We were so excited to bounce there as we’d reach many people. After our arrival, we soon discovered we weren't permitted to campaign at their premises because we don't have a federal tax code. The US has much more red tape and legal issues to consider - even for FUNdraising drives. Bouncing on a trampoline brings up insurance/liability issues and it's proven to be a challenge. But that makes this campaign all the more FUN and worthwhile. They're challenges, not dead ends - and we always find a better way...
In true B4B style, we didn't let this stop us. In as much as I could cry, I just knew if I turned my focus, we'd find an incredible opportunity in this situation. Back to the car we went and all started brainstorming. I must say, all the girls had winning ideas.
We first went to Sports Authority, where the girls got their trampoline. The other day, they were interested in having us bounce there and I thought they might be as spontaneous as us in seeing the opportunity for free advertising of their trampoline. However, the MOD said they needed an official letter from us and to have approval from District Manager. No worries, I thought as we already had a back up plan that I was certain would work.
We rocked up at the biggest radio station in the area - WA1A 107.1fm. The goal was to get on air and to bounce in front of their offices during the lunch hour. And that's exactly what we did.

Lisa Moldovan, who coincidentally is running a cancer story for
the station. Next, I was in the station room with Bill Robbins, the broadcaster, and he taped me for 5 minutes. We were aired 20 minutes later at 11:47am.
Certainty meant that all this all happened in the space of 30 minutes. The girls bounced in front of the station and we raised $132 in 1.5 hours and bounced 10,765 times.

love to the team xx
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