I am sitting on the back porch of Kathleen’s house. It’s 6:30am, the house is asleep. The dawn is breaking as the birds are cooing and chirping brightly. The squirrels and bunnies are full of energy. The air is still and humid. I am one with love and peace in my heart. It's Day 100 and we've reached our goals and gained so much more...
Kathleen and I were talking yesterday. And hugging and crying too. We are so blessed to have each other. We are closer than we’ve ever been in our lives. In her words and cheeky humour, “this is what we’ve always wanted – despite the fact it had to take a boob job to make it happen”.
Kathleen’s humour and confidence is stronger than it’s ever been too. She has become reassured by her inner strength, faith, courage and ability to receive love fully through this experience with breast cancer.
I am infinitely proud of my sister. She is such an incredible and beautiful soul. She is a warm and loving mother, daughter, sister and friend. A true inspiration of love, learning, giving and growth - throughout her journey in life.
I am also proud of the immense love and brave-heart my nieces, Colleen and Christina, possess. They are two wonderful young girls who are a mirror reflection of their mother’s love, warmth and giving nature. They too have faced their individual challenges and have overcome them. It was wonderful to spend Friday with them bouncing, brainstorming and broadcasting our campaign in a big way. I learn from them as their approach to life is simple: anything is better than nothing.
My praise also goes to Halina (Kathleen’s mom), our dad, our sisters Felicity and Candy for all their love, prayers, support and time taken to visit Kathleen during recovery. It makes all the difference and what you provide is just so perfect.
Special thanks to Terry and all Kathleen’s dear friends. You have been a community of support for her. You have carried her when she couldn’t carry herself.
My honour and love for my husband Christoph, has grown even more throughout this campaign for he has become even more special to this world. Although he’s only met Kathleen once, he embraces her as a sister and was all too happy to help her through her time of need. DK, ILDVVM - Du bist mien alles!!!
My gratitude, love and respect goes out to all those involved in our FUNdraising family. Diana, you’ve been there from the first moment this campaign was born – and yes, Oprah is still the plan. Charlotte, Helen and Aiden – you’ve been also so helpful with creative ideas and support - PLUS looking after Max, our cat that join the campaign family during Easter weekend. Charlie & Tanya – you made the first bounce a great model to replicate.
Other special acknowledgements go to John at the South Bank and Peter Hart & his team at Staples UK for providing a way for us to bounce and to raise the bar higher on our campaign.
It's Day 100 and these are the successes we celebrate to date!!
- Met our goal of $10,000
- Bounced 1 million times (156 hours - 6.5 days )
- Grown a team of FUNdraisers totalling 7 fantastic individuals of all ages and gender from age 8 to 42
- Bounced in 7 countries in front of world famous landmarks/places such as – Taj Mahal in India, Eiffel Tower in France, London Eye in England, Dom Cathedral in Germany, Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, Houses of Parliament in England
- Created a wonderful team of sponsors from the beginning – without them, we wouldn’t be so successful – Spreadshirt UK, Flame New Media, Probounce, Raging Thunder, Energise for Life
- Created two online shops – UK/Europe and America
- Won two corporate sponsors – Staples UK and Xchanging Germany
- Featured an exclusive interview with Take a Break Magazine – UK’s no. 1 women’s weekly touching the lives of 1.5 million people
- Broadcast interview in one of Florida’s top radio stations 107.1fm WA1A
- Awarded Public Zone to be our Communications company when we become a non-profit organisation (they specialise in non-profit companies)
In as much as this campaign started as a personal breast cancer campaign by bouncing on a trampoline to raise money to help a single mum affected by breast cancer, it’s really become a LOVE campaign: LOVE for another in need. LOVE of service. LOVE of growth. LOVE of fun. LOVE of being unique. LOVE of feeling good.
Others have joined this LOVE campaign for they too share these qualities:
- True leaders lead from the heart
- Selfless service to others is truly the greatest gift we receive
- To grow is to be healthy
- The fun factor always makes life easier
- To value the quality you create
- Reward oneself daily with easy wins
Words cannot describe the immense gratitude Kathleen has for everyone’s contribution, love, prayers and support. I want to thank each and every person who has joined our campaign family by sharing our journey and contributing in a huge way through prayers and well wishes, donations, bouncing, sharing your stories, reading the blog, visiting our website, buying tshirts, and spreading the word.
There are a million other ways this campaign has touched me personally – the people, the stories, the challenges, the laughter, the LOVE. The most significant is that I have grown into fully living my true life purpose. I have reconnected with my love for writing and have started my book. I have created a personal transformation seminar. I have turned the invisible into visible.
I will continue to bounce for my sister and other women as a show of love and support. Next landmark in my sites is bouncing in front of the Magic Kingdom at Disneyworld Florida, before returning home to the United Kingdom.
Phase 2 of the campaign begins when I return to London on 15th June and we become a non-profit organisation.
Congratulations to all for make a HUGE difference to the quality of life of Kathleen and her daughters, Colleen and Christina. Thanks for making it real. Thanks for making it happen. Thanks for making it magical.
Love and peace,
Priscilla xx
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