Monday, April 10, 2006

Daddy Dearest

Dad and his wife, Fran are visiting Kathleen and the kids. After having spoken to each of them over the past few months, I know in my heart this is a long awaited and much deserved reunion. It brings me to tears knowing what healing is being done at this very moment.

As both a witness and an insider to someone whose family is affected by breast cancer, it's been fascinating for me to observe how each person reacts differently. Times like these bring anxious moments, sad moments, joyous moments , grateful moments and awkward moments too. I know this has mainly affected the women in my family, as it's a women's disease. However, I have observed our Dad from a distance. All he wants is the best for Kathleen - the best love, the best care and attention that he and anyone can give.

It's during times like these that Daddies just want to take over to protect their little girl, regardless of her age. That they too feel pain and worry, not knowing what is called for or what to do. They know this is a woman thing and therefore, want to leave the requisite amount of space for the woman out of respect.

I have observed this in my own family. At times, I sense where there may have easily been misunderstandings, confusion or hurt feelings all because people have the best intentions out of love. It's in times like these that we must remember that there are no right and wrong things to do, as long as one acts from the heart.

As the French poet and writer, Antoine St. Exupery, famously wrote in The Little Prince, "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

What is essential IS invisible to the eye; the best of the best shines though if we see with our hearts.

I love you Kathleen, Dad and the rest of our family. I am proud and encouraged by all of your courage, love, strength, patience, forgiveness and understanding.