B4B's Future is in your hands
I'm updating the blog with a few entries over June and into July. There's been a lot of cool stuff happening, heaps of learning and we want you to be up to speed...
I travelled from Australia to London in late May for meetings re: B4B. As such, I have spent the past two months sowing new seeds, watering them and being patient. As in life, these seeds grow roots beneath the earth, before breaking through to new ground. B4B has broken through to new ground!
Firstly, I must thank the dedicated team of supporters in London who have been patient with us in our growth and new season.
These are - Amanda Prosser (Public Zone), Geeta Tailor (Your Bloody Health), Pa Joof (Making it Happen Now), Heather Macrae (Venture Thinking), Callum Bridgeford (Energise for Life), Per Wimmer (Wimmer Space), Alistair Crooks (The Secret Combination), and friends and family.
I had a fruitful meeting with Paul Sacher of the MEND Programme (http://www.mendprogramme.org/) to understand how he started . He is a great guy who shows what's possible by helping children with obesity. He has successfully run the MEND programme as a social enterprise project for over 5 years.
This, in addition to other research, convinced us that the business form "social enterprise" is the way forward, and not becoming a charity. In addition, Gordon Brown likes social enterprises, too.
What is social enterprise?
Basically, it's a private company with social aims. B4B will run itself on a non profit basis, with all collected donations going to the cause (minus minimal admin costs). However, there may be a profit-making arm of the organisation which will feed its revenue to the cause as well -providing even greater financial help.
Why not a charity?
Bottom line is that whilst charities are very worthwhile, becoming one and maintaining its status requires lots of resources = time and money. We decided early on that the majority of our resources should be invested towards those who need it - not in administration, paperwork, salaries, i.e. high overhead costs.
Above all, we do not see ourselves in competition with the existing Breast Cancer charities. We understand the needs of a specific group - single mums with kids - and are offering financial, emotional and wellbeing support. As such, we may partner with those charities in raising awareness for both, emotional support and research for all those affected by breast cancer, not just single mums and their kids.
How can you help?
We need seed funding and a team in London to help moms that need support NOW because they are in desperate circumstances (see Laura's appeal). email us at info@bouncingforbreastcancer.org
Making this distiction towards our organisational form gave clarity and was the critical step in identifying how we actually structure ourselves and build a strategy to reach our outcome.
I boarded the plane exhausted - yet euphoric and satisfied that I acheived what I set out to do in 5 days. I've not had this clarity since the day I began this personal campaign for my sister in Feb 2006. This mission is the single most fulfilling and challenging thing I've done in my life and I am totally committed to the cause. It's one of the reasons why I get out of bed in the morning. I think of those moms who have first contacted us for help. They inspire me, along with Kathleen. I also honour those few single moms who have passed away in the meantime.
As we taxied down the runway for takeoff, tears of gratitude ran down my face. We are one step closer to helping moms with breast cancer and their kids.
Thank you, all for believing in us... for believing in them! What's most important is that the quality of these lives will be improved by removing the obstacles that cause emotional and financial distress so they can focus on healing, recovery and being a family.
with love, priscilla
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